Limit Data Usage and Internet Bandwidth

Limit Data Usage and Internet Bandwidth in Windows

By Adding Limit to bandwidth, your Computer will stop your data being wasted on things like automatic Windows Updates and updating live app tiles.
It's beneficial for the individuals who have a particular information restrain and can enable you to abstain from being cheated.

Windows has a worked in strategy to confine bandwidth, yet right now it's truly fundamental and not exceptionally clear on what it does. All things considered, it's smarter to swing to outsider arrangements.

Boost Internet Speed

#1 Windows Metered Connection

The First and easy way to limit Internet Bandwidth is by setting your networks as Metered Connection.Enabling a metered connection will restrict how forceful Windows Update is and stop the automatic updating of some apps and live tiles. To begin, press Windows key + I to open Settings, click Network & internet, then either Wi-Fi or Ethernet. For Wi-Fi, click Manage known networks, choose your network from the list, click Properties, and slide Set as a metered connection to On

windows 10 metered connection
For Ethernet connection use any one tool given below.

Try alternate method to Increase Internet Browsing Speed and Save Bandwidth

#2 Net Balancer

NetBalancer will display a list of all the active processes on your system and the amount of network bandwidth it uses. Under this is a live graph so you can see at a glance where any bandwidth spikes occur. Float your mouse over the graph and you’ll be able to see which processes were draining your bandwidth at that moment.

To restrict a program’s bandwidth, find it on the list and double-click it. You can use the Download Priority and Upload Priority dropdowns to regulate its usage based on active filters. This is helpful, for example, you still want a program to be unrestricted, but want other applications to use the bandwidth first if they need it. Alternatively, choose Custom from the drop-down to define your own limits.


You can use NetBalancer free for 15 Days.

#3 Net Limiter

Net Limiter does the same work as NetBalancer. On launching NetLimiter, you’ll see a list of all your open programs, along with its current bandwidth usage. Of course, some applications will directly use more bandwidth than others, but it’s helpful to identify which application is using more bandwidth than they need to.

Here, Upload & Download limit is set to 5 KB/s by Default for each program, which can be quickly enabled by checking the box for a particular row. To change those defaults, right-click the limit value to open the rule editor. On the Rule tab, you can change the default bandwidth limits.

NetLimiter 4

You can use NetLimiter Free for 28 Days

You may not need to do this after getting Windows 10 update as Microsoft is making changes to let users control bandwidth

If you have any idea about limiting Internet bandwidth, Please let us know in the comments.
