Torrent Sites See Traffic Boost After ExtraTorrent Shutdown

Torrent Sites See Traffic Boost After Extra Torrent Shutdown

ExtraTorrent's sudden shut down a week ago came as a stun to its clients, who all of a sudden needed to locate another home. Most clients rushed to other prevalent locales, including The Pirate Bay, which experienced "passage blunders" accordingly. In the meantime, numerous copycats and mirrors are likewise attempting to get a bit of the cake.

Traffic Migration

The shut down has led to a rush of people across the earth looking for newer torrents with the searches for the phrase ”torrent sites” seeing an abnormal surge as evident in the graph below:

Usually, in such situations, quite a few users migrate to different authorized websites. Torrent Freak has spoken to several people connected to topmost torrent sites which have verified that they had witnessed a significant visitor hike over the preceding week. Most people naturally see the best alternative to Extra Torrent as did we in our Best Torrent Sites

ExtraTorrent is Back with new Domain.

Notwithstanding The Privateer Narrows, another deluge web page that has requested that not be recognized has additionally seen a massive uptick in new clients with the source saying that their site has taken care of around 100,000 additional exceptional guests than normal. While that is a major number, from the site's own evaluations, that is roughly 10% of the ExtraTorrent activity. 

Of all these new guests moving onto other deluge destinations, almost 40% are said to be from India – a nation where ET appreciated prominence. The site administrator has additionally noticed that nearly two-third of these new clients have an Adblocker dynamic which successfully means 0 include income for the site.